If you’re ready to shift your thinking about your health to start making the choices that support your goals from a functional level, I’m here to help.
I’ve collated the coaching techniques and resources I’ve found most effective for my students and created a lifestyle transformation program called T School.
T School offers private and small group programs tailored to meet the challenges and inevitable detours we face negotiating daily life.
Most of us know WHAT to do to maximize our health; we may even know HOW to do it. What we often lack is the motivation, direction, and accountability to simply DO it.
That’s where I can help.
Even if you’re struggling with:
- Stubborn weight gain
- Fatigue, brain fog, anxiety
- Blood sugar and hormonal imbalances
- Sleep and recovery issues
- Autoimmune and Inflammatory issues
By approaching health from a functional perspective, we’ll look beyond the symptoms to the root cause of your issues.
Together we’ll create a step by step program to restore your energy, focus, vitality, and self-confidence based on your unique needs.
This means going back to basics via nutrition, movement, and mindset.
We’ll assess your current health challenges via a functional lens and implement strategies to leverage your body’s own capacity for healing and health.
Our bodies really do tell us what’s going on.
We just have to develop the skills to listen to it’s wisdom, and then respectfully carry out it’s requests.
Private coaching
Perhaps you feel you’re doing pretty well on your own but still need accountability and consistency in your daily choices.
Private health coaching can help you:
- Get back on track after you’ve let yourself slip into self-sabotaging behaviors and choices.
- Find and commit to an exercise discipline that you like and will do.
- Work to improve your mindset and motivation through visualization and mindfulness skills.
- Design personal rituals to keep you grounded, focused and clear.
- Create strategies for reducing stress, anxiety and loop like behavior.
- Help you prioritize your sleep, recovery, and focus.
Hire me to help you reclaim your mojo and feel like your best self again.
We all know what to do, but have trouble doing it.
That’s where structure, accountability, and personal coaching make all the difference.
Click the button below to book your session.
Please email me at tina@tinasprinkle.com
or text me at 913 963 8546.
I’m here to help. Tina