Promising New Science on Weight Loss Drug Alternatives

With three-quarters of Americans obese or overweight, interest in weight-loss treatments is at an all-time high.

Three injectable medications have dominated the spotlight of late: Wegovy, Ozempic, and Mounjaro. These once-a-week, injectable drugs are so popular in fact, that pharmacies routinely run out of stock.

Wegovy is FDA-approved for obesity. Ozempic and Mounjaro are FDA-approved for diabetes. 

These medications known as GLP-1 agonists are designed to manage blood sugar levels and help reduce hunger and food intake, thus potentially supporting weight loss.

They function in a variety of ways to help curb hunger, increase feelings of satiety, increase insulin sensitivity, balance blood sugar, and support weight loss.

Recently, Oprah Winfrey hosted a prime- time special on these medications and the criticism that providers prescribe it too liberally off-label for weight loss.

Weight Watchers, and Noom, long advocates of lifestyle change focusing on diet and exercise have added prescription weight loss drugs approved to treat obesity, such as Wegovy and Ozempic.

Offering the medications within a structured program of diet and exercise, advocates say, increases the chance of long-term success, and acknowledges that obesity is a chronic disease that requires chronic treatment.

While drugs like Wegovy and Ozempic might seem like a miracle to those with diabetes and obesity, the truth is the effects only last while you are taking the medication.

A study published in the Journal for Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism in April 2022, which examined changes in body weight and cardiometabolic risk factors upon the termination of the drug, found that after a year people had regained two-thirds of the weight they had lost.

The positive changes they had seen in cardiometabolic risk factors like blood pressure, blood lipids, HbA1c, and C-reactive protein had similarly reversed.

How do these drugs work?

Semiglutide weight loss drugs work via complex metabolic processes to mimic a hormone called GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1).

GLP-1 is a hormone (a natural chemical in the body) produced in the small intestine. It stimulates insulin secretion (which then allows cells to take up glucose) and inhibits glucagon secretion (which prevents more glucose from going into the bloodstream) to lower blood sugar levels.

GLP-1 helps to reduce food intake, appetite and hunger and promotes fullness and satiety with the ultimate result of promoting weight loss.

Research suggests that people with obesity may have problems with GLP-1 production. As such, it has become a key focus in obesity, diabetes, and weight loss medications that function by mimicking it’s function.

Is there a natural way to stimulate GLP-1 production without expensive monthly injections? 

According to science, the answer is YES! And it all comes back to supporting our gut health, balancing our blood sugar with the help of a select combination of powerful probiotics.  

My training in functional nutrition helped me offer past workshops on Gut Health (The Spring Cleanse), Blood Sugar & Hormone Balance, (The Blood Sugar Balance Program) and Anti-Aging, (The Big Rewind).  

What all of these programs had in common was the knowledge that our body is one system that works interdependently.  The brain is not separate from the body. Our emotional health is not separate from our digestion. Our sleep hygiene is not separate from our brain function.

All health is interconnected and it all starts in our gut.

That's why I'm excited about the scienCE BEHIND glp-1 probiotics.

I learned about Pendulum Life Therapeutics from two trusted functional physicians that I follow, Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Kara Fitzgerald.  

They both know and support the research and dedication of Pendulum CEO, Colleen Cutcliffe,  Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Microbiology from Johns Hopkins University.

Colleen and her two co-founders, John and Jim, began this company because they saw a unique opportunity to apply next-generation DNA sequencing technologies and microbiological assays to the emerging microbiome science space. 

Together, they have built the first and only facility in the U.S. that enables commercial-scale production of live Akkermansia and other next-generation strains.

Pendulum products are high quality curated live probiotic strains designed to improve gut health, hormone balance and GLP-1 production to support your healthy weight. 

They are a viable alternative to weight loss medications as they address the underlying issues that lead to metabolic dysfunction in the first place.  

If you’re going to take something for the rest of your life to support your health, why not choose a product that is affordable, sustainable, and safe. 

which product is best for you?

Pendulum probiotics come in different combinations to address different issues.  It is important to understand which formula will best support you in your health journey.

Learn more about the formulations by clicking the button below. 

I’m also available to meet with you to discuss how to begin if that is something you’d prefer to do. 

Email me at to schedule an appointment.

a special offer for you

You may purchase Pendulum products directly from the Pendulum website or you can get them for lower pricing via my Fullscript Practitioners Dispensary.

Fullscript is an online dispensary supporting your wellness  by connecting the two people who know your health best — you and your practitioner. Accounts are $0/month.

Sign up and save 15% off the already lower priced Pendulum Pro products offered via my FullScript Dispensary.

 Once you sign up, I’ll add an automatic 15% discount to all of your orders.  FullScript offers a huge catalogue of superior-quality nutraceuticals and supplements.


This is a recording of the recent webinar I attended featuring Pendulum Founder Colleen Cutcliffe and Dr. Kara Fitzgerald on the science and mechanics behind these weight loss drug alternatives. 

They explain the science behind GLP-1 and how select LIVE probiotics are effective in addressing our gut health and healthy weight.

Questions?  I’m all ears! 

Email me at

The (Other) C Word

No, it’s not THAT C-word, (a word I have been rightly reprimanded for using in anger, arrogance, and for sheer shock value), the C-word I’m talking about is Calling.

I started thinking about the word calling this morning. It was suggested by my meditation teacher, Scott Schwenk, a man I have never met or spoken to, a man I hear only as a deeply embodied voice via my headphones, coaxing me to presence each morning though a variety of breath-work, contemplative, and meditation practices. I practice daily not because I want to, but because I need to.

Practice helps me take responsibility for how I show up in the world, not just for my family and friends, but also for the checkout person at Trader Joe’s, the intimidating handler at the Amazon Returns desk, and most of all, for myself, (the one with the capital S), because for the majority of my life, I wasn’t able to be there for her, and consequently not a lot of others, too.

Calling isn’t cosmic.  It’s not something to earn. It’s actionable- a daily practice of aligning my better self with my still growing one to bring a better me forward each day. 

Breathing helps me to quiet my nervous system and get still. It helps me return to a place of wholeness, the one that existed before life’s necessary nicks and wounds. 

In his book, The Myth of Normal, Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Culture, Dr. Gabor Mate describes the creation of these wounds as not so much as what happens to us, but our reactions to them.  

While he differentiates between Big T trauma and Little T trauma, all trauma impacts our perception of life. 

No matter where we may fall on that continuum, from suffering outright abuse to being raised by loving parents who unwittingly failed to support us the way we needed, trauma, left unrecognized, distorts our consciousness.

These wounds may lie dormant for years until something seemingly unrelated triggers a roaring reaction, or they may form rigid scars, leaving us numb, disconnected, and inflexible. If not acknowledged, all wounds undermine our capacity for wholeness, authenticity, and continued growth. 

Unhealed trauma may manifest in relationship troubles, depression, anxiety, and addiction. 

I’ve experienced all of the above.

My response was to overwork, over drink, and over intensify everything. This constant state of flux helped to tamp down a nagging certainty that I was, at root, ‘not okay.’

It was not possible for me to sit still.

Instead I created and ran a successful business, married, divorced, dated, all the while attempting to raise my boys.

For a long time my busyness paid off. Then, one day didn’t. 

It was beyond burnout, it was spiritual bankruptcy. 

All those years chasing “success” when what I’d truly longed for was significance.

Since selling my business, I’ve had time more time to read, write, and reflect. John Ortberg’s quote showed me how I’d put the cart before the horse. My driving workaholism wasn’t proactive- it was protective. Significance is an inside job.

Work helped medicate my unfinished business from childhood. In my case it was centered around my adoption.

It didn’t matter that I was raised by parents who truly loved and cared for me, I couldn’t get over feeling abandoned. If my own mother didn’t want me, what was I worth?

Shame is a merciless teacher, a bullying, manipulative liar. You can either believe shame’s lies or you can dare to look beneath them. The power of any bully is the power we give them. 

Praying helped. I asked for courage and clarity from Spirit, God, the Big Kahuna.

She told me to settle down, get quiet and listen. She told me to learn to be present.

In his book, Storyworthy, elementary school teacher and professional storyteller, Matthew Dicks, invites readers to do something called “Homework for life.” This entails noting one small interaction or observation daily- experiences that not only help ground us in the present, but with one another, too.

“It only takes five minutes to drop a sentence or two into a spreadsheet about something (anything) that touched you during the day,” he writes, “yet most people won’t do it. Instead, they’ll spend two hours watching television.” 

I get it.  I love to watch television, or check emails or social media…

Cultivating presence in this way is not only fun, it’s become a reliable spiritual practice.

I now look for those small but powerful moments not only to ground me, but to elevate me. Grace, compassion, and kindness are easier to access in real time. 

As a recovering Baptist, it’s also a good reminder that Wednesday is just a good a day to say AMEN as Sunday. Why starve for those big AH-HA moments, when all the small in-between moments are the ones that feed us?

Doing “Homework for Life” is just one example of spiritual practice. Tuning into our breath, taking a walk, telling someone they matter, turning off the phone at the dinner table… There are a myriad of simple acts to help us open to presence and grace. 

My new C-Word is Calling- the verb kind, not the noun kind. 

It isn’t grandiose- it isn’t religious. It’s  excavating buried treasure, celebrating the simple, and taking time to recognize one other with authenticity and kindness. 

In a world torn apart by disconnect and suffering, we have to try. Nothing changes until we do. 

Jewish sage, Rabbi Hillel wrote, “In a place where no one behaves like a human being, you must strive to be human!”

He also asked, “If I am not for myself, who will be for me? If I am not for others, who am I? And if not now, when?”

These questions are still relevant today, and he wrote them in the 1st century, BC.

Who are we? What to we want for our children?  What do we owe to our planet? What can we do individually to shift collectively?

It’s a question about responsibility. It’s a mandate to be human. But first, we must hear the call.


Although we’re living longer than any time in history, most of us will spend the last few decades of our lives suffering from preventable and reversible ailments and diseases.

Despite modern medical advances, the average American will spend the last sixteen years in decline- sick, frail, and dependent.

Advances in surgery and medication help many of us live a longer lifespan, but what about our health span?

Lifespan is how long we live. Our health span is how many years we live a healthy, vibrant, and functional life.

Six in ten Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease, and four in ten have multiple chronic diseases.

Soon, 83 million Americans will have three or more chronic diseases, diseases that not only diminish quality and length of life but are almost entirely preventable. 

Diabetes, cancer, dementia, depression, osteoporosis, and autoimmune issues are all on the list of preventable chronic diseases.

Because these diseases come on gradually, starting around age 45 or 50, we don’t always recognize the slow, steady decline in our energy, function, and well-being.

After 60, we may see a steeper decline, and by 70 we’re often ready to resign ourselves to poor health, pills, doctors, hospitals, and nursing homes!


  • Are you ready to take charge of your health, energy, and rate of aging?

  • Are you ready to do something about the fatigue, weight gain, and loss of mojo you’re attributing to getting older?

  • Are you curious to know what your biological age, inflammatory markers, and ideal nutritional anti-aging macronutrient ratios are?

  • Do you want to avoid living the latter part of your life suffering from preventable disease, frailty, and distress?  

if so, you're ready for the big rewind 6-week intensive program

The BIG REWIND 6-Week Intensive Program includes everything you need to understand your biological age, inflammatory markers, risk for chronic disease, ideal macronutrient ratios, and more.

Your 6-week Rewind Intensive program includes:

Baseline and follow-up Healthy Aging Blood Lab Order, Functional Nutrition Analysis, and Biological age calculation.                     
                                             $528 value

Personalized Longevity Macro Nutrient Template, Exercise RX, Body Composition,                                                                            $149 Value

(6) 30-minute Longevity Lifestyle Coaching Sessions, Recipes & Resources.                   
                                              $420 value

Weekly resources, guides, ongoing support, discounts on training, supplements & wellness retreats.               
                                              $ Priceless

Regularly $1097, this program is available
for a limited time for just $949

Small Group sessions may be arranged for two or more people registering together for this 6-Week Rewind Intensive. 

Please email Tina if you would like to do a small group intensive.

This program is now open for registration for a January 2023 start date. 

Tina Sprinkle is 63 years young with no plans to succumb to the avoidable perils of old age.

An avid hiker, ice climber, pilates pro, and wellness retreat leader. Tina’s passion is helping others live their best lives at any age.

A nutrition nerd by choice, Tina returned to school in 2019 to study functional nutrition at the Institute of Functional Nutrition for Endocrinology.

Tina’s mission is to make optimal health and vitality accessible through the power of nutrition and longevity lifestyle interventions.

Questions?  Email Tina! 




Although we’re living longer than any time in history, most of us will spend the last few decades of our lives suffering from preventable and reversible ailments and diseases.

Despite modern medical advances, the average American will spend the last sixteen years in decline- sick, frail, and dependent.

Advances in surgery and medication help many of us live a longer lifespan, but what about our health span?

Lifespan is how long we live. Our health span is how many years we live a healthy, vibrant, and functional life.

Six in ten Americans suffer from at least one chronic disease, and four in ten have multiple chronic diseases.

Soon, 83 million Americans will have three or more chronic diseases, diseases that not only diminish quality and length of life but are almost entirely preventable. 

Diabetes, cancer, dementia, depression, osteoporosis, and autoimmune issues are all on the list of preventable chronic diseases.

Because these diseases come on gradually, starting around age 45 or 50, we don’t always recognize the slow, steady decline in our energy, function, and well-being.

After 60, we may see a steeper decline, and by 70 we’re often ready to resign ourselves to poor health, pills, doctors, hospitals, and nursing homes!


  • Are you ready to take charge of your health, energy, and rate of aging?

  • Are you ready to do something about the fatigue, weight gain, and loss of mojo you’re attributing to getting older?

  • Are you curious to know what your biological age, inflammatory markers, and ideal nutritional anti-aging macronutrient ratios are?

  • Do you want to avoid living the latter part of your life suffering from preventable disease, frailty, and distress?  

if so, you're ready for the big rewind 3-week intensive program

The BIG REWIND 3-Week Intensive Program includes everything you need to understand your biological age, inflammatory markers, risk for chronic disease, ideal macronutrient ratios, and more.

Your 3-week Rewind Intensive program includes:

Baseline Healthy Aging Blood Lab Order, Functional Nutrition Analysis, and Biological age calculation.                     
                                               $264 value

Personalized Longevity Nutrient Ratio Template and Body Composition Assessment.                                                               $129 value

(3) 30-minute Longevity Lifestyle Coaching Sessions, Recipes & Resources.                   
                                              $210 value

Weekly resources, guides, & ongoing support from your personal longevity coach.                
                                              $ Priceless

Regularly $603, this program is available
for a limited time for just $449

Small Group sessions may be arranged for two or more people registering together for this 3-Week Rewind Intensive. 

Please email Tina if you would like to do a small group intensive.

This program is now open for registration for a January 2023 start date. 

Tina Sprinkle is 63 years young with no plans to succumb to the avoidable perils of old age.

An avid hiker, ice climber, pilates pro, and wellness retreat leader. Tina’s passion is helping others live their best lives at any age.

A nutrition nerd by choice, Tina returned to school in 2019 to study functional nutrition at the Institute of Functional Nutrition for Endocrinology.

Tina’s mission is to make optimal health and vitality accessible through the power of nutrition and longevity lifestyle interventions.

Questions?  Email Tina! 



Blood Sugar Balance 2022

Blood sugar imbalance is an underlying cause in most chronic diseases, including diabetes, heart disease, kidney disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s and more.  

This 4 (+) week Blood Sugar Balance program provides everything you need to eat, move, and sleep to keep your blood sugar in the sweet spot- The spot where you have sustained energy, focus, and moods. 

We’ll take a deep dive into the sugar/insulin connection, the role of gut and mitochondrial health in weight gain (and loss), and practical ways to maximize the benefits of exercise and sleep to create your own metabolic sweet spot! 

In functional nutrition we look past the presenting symptoms to understand the underlying cause of your fatigue, weight gain, sleeplessness, and cravings. 

Until we address the “non-negotiables”  (blood sugar, inflammation, oxidative stress, hormone imbalance), no lasting intervention will help.

The BSB+ program can help you take a closer look at “what’s going on inside your body” to best support your health, overcome stubborn weight gain, and balance food, cravings, energy and mood.

When it comes to weight loss, it's important to trust your gut

Recent research suggests that the composition of the gut microbiome can predict an individual’s likelihood of obesity.

New studies report that differences in our gut microbiome are also associated with our body’s response to weight loss interventions.

When it comes to blood sugar and insulin balance it’s crucial to trust—and support—your gut bacteria.

How Your Gut Health Affects Your Weight

Experts suspect that gut bacteria— specifically, a lack of diversity in the microbiome—could drive junk-food cravings, insulin resistance and more.

Since your gut bacteria line your intestines, they come into contact with the food you eat. This may affect what nutrients you absorb and how energy is stored in your body.

One study examined the gut bacteria in 77 pairs of twins, one of whom was obese and one of whom was not.

The study found that those who were obese had different gut bacteria than their non-obese twins. In particular, obesity was associated with lower gut bacteria diversity, meaning there were fewer types of bacteria in the gut.


Other studies have shown that if the gut bacteria from obese people are put into mice, the mice gain weight, suggesting gut bacteria could affect weight.

Other studies show the number and variety of bacteria in your gut may affect your weight by influencing how different foods are digested in your body.

Dietary fiber is digested by certain species of gut bacteria, which may aid weight loss.

Other gut bacteria digest certain antioxidants found in plants known as flavonoids, which may help prevent weight gain.

Our gut bacteria can also influence how dietary fats are absorbed in the intestines, which may also affect how fat is stored in the body.


the proof is your biochemistry

Most of us care about weight loss, but we need to back it up to our biochemistry.

Not surprisingly, our nutritional choices show up in our blood and not just on our hips.

When researchers collected blood samples collected before and after the weight loss intervention, they found changes in the levels of metabolic markers in the weight loss and no-weight-loss groups.

The weight loss group showed an increase in adiponectin levels. Fat tissue secretes the hormone adiponectin, and an increase in the levels of this protein is associated with weight loss.

The weight loss group also exhibited a decrease in the level of six proteins, which scientists have previously shown to be associated with inflammation, obesity, and other metabolic disorders.

Biochemistry precedes weight loss.

And weight loss is associated with healthy gut bacteria, reduced inflammation, and an improvement in metabolic and immune function.  

how does this program work?

  • DATES: 
    • Saturday, January 15 Kick-off @ 12 pm 
    • January 15-22 Prep Week
    • 4 Weekly Program with weekly Coaching Calls on Tuesdays @ 7 pm
  • GOALS:  Balance blood sugar, improve gut health and insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation, fatigue, and risk for metabolic disease.
      • Nutrition: (meal template, recipes, using our “macro mantra” at every meal: fat, fiber, and protein.
      • Gut Health Support: via targeted nutrition, supplementation, and lifestyle interventions.
      • Movement for your Mitochondria: Learning the best and most efficient forms of exercise for metabolic health.
      • Education: Weekly small group coaching calls on a variety of topics to support your progress.
      • Motivation: Daily texts to inspire, educate, and motivate you to keep your focus on your program participation and personal transformation.
      • Tracking and Progress Updates: All participants will track daily food, mood, and movement. There’s an option for adding blood glucose monitoring with an at-home Contour One system or a Nutrisense CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitor).
  • COMMUNITY: Prepare to be amazed by the power of this community to support, inform, and support you. We are ALWAYS better when we work together towards our goals.
  • Join our private FB group NOW

Sample Program Guide
and Week One Prep Booklet

Sample BSB Meal Plan
and Recipe Collection

two ways to play: enroll now!



This program includes:

  • Program materials and recipes
  • (5) Small group coaching calls
  • Daily texts and practical resources
  • Private Facebook group access.
  • 15% off optional Gut and Blood Sugar Support Supplements via FullScript
  • Optional: Help with blood sugar monitoring if student chooses to add their own blood glucose monitoring system.

This program includes:

  • Program materials and recipes
  • (5) Small group coaching calls
  • (4) (30) minute private coaching calls with Tina
  • Daily texts and practical resources
  • Private Facebook group access.
  • 15% off optional Gut and Blood Sugar Support Supplements via FullScript
  • Optional: Help with blood sugar monitoring if the student chooses to add their own blood glucose monitoring system.


If you’ve been told or suspect you have insulin resistance, unstable blood glucose, or can’t seem to budge the belly fat no matter what you’ve tried, you might want to add a glucose monitoring system to this program.

There are two ways to go and I can coach you through each process as I have used both.

The first is an at-home system employing a small lancet, testing strips, and glucose monitor.  I use the Contour One brand and it comes with a cylinder to load lancets in so you just click and stick which is not difficult or painful at all.  Together, we’ll decide when to measure your blood sugar, logging the results to see trends and the impact of your food and drink choices.   Cost: between $70 -$100 

The second option is investing in a month or two using a CGM (continuous glucose monitor).  I use Nutrisense which supplies you with two sensors monthly to apply to the back on one arm.  It’s not painful either, measuring the interstitial fluid, not blood in your body to sense blood sugar fluctuations in real time.  Cost: $250-$350 depending on program.

Please Note: There’s no requirement to get either one of these systems to participate in this program.  They are entirely optional. 

Questions about this program or other coaching help?

I’m all ears! 

Email me at or drop me a tet at 913 963 8546 today!

10-Day Blood Sugar Reset

If you’re struggling with post-holiday fatigue, weight gain, belly fat, and bothersome sugar cravings, it’s time to reset your metabolic engine!

Join me for my 10-day Blood Sugar Reset 2024 with a kick-off workshop on Saturday, January 13th @ 12 pm

Show your body the respect it deserves and it will reward you with greater focus, stability, and metabolic health. 

Because it’s not about willpower- it’s about biochemistry.


What do excess belly fat, blood sugar imbalance and serious diseases like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes have in common? Poor regulation of insulin, a hormone secreted by your pancreas, is the critical connection.

Insulin gets secreted in response to the elevation of your blood sugar. Insulin is necessary to get the sugar out of your blood and into the cells where it can be converted to energy. Without insulin, your blood sugar would skyrocket and you’d become diabetic.

But insulin may also be released in response to stress.

The relationship between cortisol (a stress hormone secreted by your adrenal glands) and insulin is circular. Increased cortisol raises blood sugar which causes an increase in insulin which in turn causes cortisol to go up.

When we are chronically stressed, our cortisol levels remain high which keeps our insulin levels high.  This interrupts the normal function of insulin in response to the food we eat.

Under normal circumstances, after a meal, the increased glucose in your blood causes your pancreas to secrete insulin.

The more glucose in your food, the more insulin is produced.

Insulin binds to the cell membranes and triggers the cell membrane to open up and let the glucose in.

Insulin allows glucose, amino acids, fats, magnesium, and other nutrients into the cell where they can be used in the mitochondria to produce energy.  When this is in balance we feel centered energetic, focused, and lean.

It’s when our blood sugar, insulin, and cortisol are out of balance we experience issues.

When you eat foods high in carbohydrates or eat your meals too close together (ie. snacking) it stimulates a rapid rise in glucose and in response, insulin.

When insulin is chronically high,  you are in a constant state of inhibited fat-burning, low growth hormone, and lower metabolic rate. The result is belly fat which is very hard to lose.

Excess insulin can also cause your blood sugar to get too low, leading to brain fog, irritability, and ravenous cravings due to blood sugar instability.

Chronically high blood sugar and insulin levels lead to insulin resistance. This is when the insulin receptors on your cells tire of the constant insulin stimulation and shut down. 

Less insulin in the cell and more insulin in the bloodstream is a recipe for weight gain, diabetes, and a host of other diseases.

when your cells become insulin resistant three things happen


  1. Insulin can’t keep up with the demand and your blood sugar starts to rise, leading to diabetes and other metabolic diseases.
  2. Insulin triggers fat storage around the middle so your belly grows steadily.
  3. Unbalanced blood sugar is stressful to your body causing increased levels of cortisol and insulin, sugar cravings, and unstable.

so what can we do about it?

The first thing to address is your sugar consumption.  This may sound simple but it’s a little harder to kick the habit than you might imagine.

That’s because sugar is hidden in all kinds of foods marketed to you as “healthy.”  Processed foods, condiments, sauces, and fruit juices are often packed with excess sugar.

So the first step is educating yourself about what you’re eating and then taking the steps to eliminate them for a few days to help reset your blood sugar and metabolic hormones.

The good news is you can do this in a relatively short time.  You can impact your blood sugar and hormone balance in as little as five to ten days!

You have the power to decrease belly fat, fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, and memory loss.

In this program you’ll learn:
  • That hunger, cravings, constant snacking, emotional eating, and binge eating are all connected to a metabolic imbalance that can be reversed… so you can experience emotional stability and freedom from food.
  • How to eat to melt away belly fat without feeling deprived or living on bacon grease.
  • How to lower your blood sugar even if you are a pre-diabetic or diabetic.
  • How to improve your blood chemistry and energy levels by balancing the queen of all hormones, insulin.
  • Learn what to eat to balance your blood sugar and reset your insulin receptors so you can improve your memory, energy, and focus.

there's no need to suffer.

All you need to know is how to reset your hormones to feel better fast.

Your excess weight and cravings aren’t something to be ashamed of, they’re biochemistry!

This 10-day Blood Sugar Reset is the first step in your healing journey. 

Free yourself by learning how to eat to support your own biochemistry to look and feel great!


Attention T School Alumni-
Save 20%. Use ALUMNI @ checkout.

Your 10-Day Blood Sugar Reset Includes:

  • 70-page Blood Sugar Balance Handbook
  • 10-Day Blood Sugar Balancing Meal Plan
  • 40 Delicious Blood Sugar Balancing Recipes
  • Step by Step Instructions to help you conquer your sugar addiction
  • Daily inspiration and resources via opt-in texts
  • Community support via Private FB group 
  • Virtual check-in with Tina, your Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, and Program Leader
  • Discounts on optional Blood Sugar Balance Supplements via Fullscript.

Just $99

stop blaming yourself

As a Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor, I can help you understand that your biochemistry is not your destiny.

Let me teach you how to eat to be free of cravings, weight gain, and self-sabotaging guilt.

It’s not magic- it’s science, and you can leverage it to feel at home in your body.  This reset is a great way to begin.

Questions?  Email me! 

Small-Group Training Series

Maybe you’ve gotten a great start with your Spring Cleanse but worry you’ll relapse without additional support.  Perhaps you’ve had trouble getting started all together and need someone to push you and hold you accountable. 

Both people can benefit from joining my Spring Cleanse Small Group Coaching series beginning Thursday, April 8th.

This session meets for 6 weeks each Thursday evening at 630 pm via Zoom.  

Beyond providing structure and accountability for your continued cleanse goals, these sessions provide a deeper dive into the intersection of food and physiology.

We’ll explore the relationship between weight loss resistance, sleep disturbance, gut health, and chronic stress.

Your Small Group Series includes:

  • Five weekly Zoom Sessions on Thursdays at 630pm
    1. Thursday, April 8 – Weight loss resistance
    2. Thursday, April 15 – Microbiome Matters
    3. Thursday, April 22 – Stress & the Gut-Brain Axis
    4. Thursday, April 29 –  Food Sensitivities
    5. Thursday,  May 6 – Timed Eating Protocols

  • Weekly Homework Assignments to complete

  • Weekly Accountability Updates from each participant

This series is an extension of my online Spring Cleanse course. I highly recommend you sign up for the Spring Cleanse course for the foundation and resources provided.  Luckily, I’ve included that option!

Small-Group Training with
Spring Cleanse Course

Small- Group Training Series for Spring Cleanse Alumni

Move from Confusion to Clarity with this 5-week Group Coaching Series

This group is limited to 15 participants.  A minimum of 5 is required.

Spring Cleanse

Over the winter months, some of us may have overindulged in food and drink. We may have let our exercise program slide, eaten too much while hibernating, or had one too many glasses of wine to keep the winter blues away. Whatever the reason, by early spring, few of us are feeling our absolute best. Undertaking a detox now can change all that, and help put you in perfect form for the year ahead.


On an energetic level, Spring is the ideal time for cleansing. In traditional Chinese medicine, spring is linked with the element of Wood, which encourages us to try new things, set a new course, and find new ways, to commit to action. It’s an open, energetic, enthusiastic feeling, so even if you’ve never detoxed before, this could be the perfect time and the perfect way to start feeling better fast.

Why Detox?

We’re regularly assaulted by pollution in the air, in our homes, in the foods we eat, and in the clothes we wear. Our livestock are treated with drugs; our crops are sprayed with powerful pesticides and fungicides, many of which have unpleasant side effects on our health.

The best way to deal with our toxic load is to build up our immune systems. Our bodies were designed to be “self-cleaning” but it needs our support to work optimally. Our circulatory system, metabolism, gut, brain, and powerful elimination system require our attention. 

Cleansing once or twice yearly gives your body the chance to rest, restore, and reset.


Benefits of a Cleanse

  • While this cleanse is not focused on weight loss, it may be a side-benefit. You may shrink as your body releases toxins and inflammation.
  • Cleansing helps alleviate bloating, nausea, and indigestion as it gives your gut and your liver a chance to rest and renew.
  • Constipation, gas, and cramping also subside as your gut flora is balanced and restored.
  • Frequent colds and flu, tiredness, cellulite, blemishes, and puffy eyes may all improve as your lymphatic system awakens with new vigor.
  • Clogged sinuses, congestion, and nasal drip may disappear when you stop eating the foods that cause them.
  • Urinary problems clear up as your kidneys take a break from overworking and under-functioning.
  • Better skin, sleep, brain function, and mood are improved when you get rid of toxins that may have been affecting your brain function and memory.

this Spring Cleanse includes:

  • Complete Step by Step Spring Detox Program
  • Addressing the Problem, Process, and Practices for healthy detoxification
  • Sample Meal Plan
  • 44 Delicious Detox recipes
  • Shopping List
  • Lifestyle Hacks and Real Life Resources

Just $25

This is simple biochemistry! Once you realize how much power you have over the way you look and feel, it’s so much easier making supportive choices! You can do it!

Just $25

Food and Mood

The gut-brain connection

In this blog, I’ll unpack some of the exciting new research about the link between gut health, mood, and stress. We’ll explore the importance of your friendly resident gut microbes, probiotic foods, and supplements, to improve your mood and energy. 

And, just because I love you, I’ve included simple recipes to keep your gut and taste buds happy.



There are trillions of microbes that happily live in our gut. These friendly microbes do more than help us digest foods, make vitamins, and protect us from the not-so-friendly microbes – they have mood-boosting and stress-busting functions too!

Our microbiome is a hotbed of research right now and we’re finding out more about gut bacteria’s awesome health and mood/stress benefits every day. And, while the research is just beginning to decipher the many gut microbe-brain connections, it’s an important topic that I couldn’t wait to share it with you!

Did you know that there are more microbes inside our gut, than all of the human cells that make us? That’s right, we’re more than half microbe!   So, how could they NOT impact our health?”



The microbes that live in our guts are known as our “gut microbiota”.    The microbes that we can ingest are known as “probiotics”.

“Probiotics” are live organisms that you can eat, drink, or take as a supplement. They turn milk into yogurt, and cabbage into sauerkraut; and they are great for both your gut health and mental health. 

Special probiotics that have mental health benefits are called “psychobiotics,” (psycho = mental health, and biotics = live). They are live organisms that can benefit our psyche.


Probiotics can be found in yogurt, sauerkraut (and other fermented veggies), miso, tempeh, and kimchi. You can drink them in kefir or kombucha. 

Be sure to choose unpasteurized ones that will be refrigerated in your local grocer. Unpasteurized foods are not recommend if you are pregnant or have a compromised immune system, so please check with your healthcare provider.

Of course, there are a number of probiotic supplements available too. Check with your healthcare provider to identify which one is best for you.

Generally, we look for one that’s refrigerated and has at least 10 billion active cultures. I also suggest you look for one that has been “third party tested,” which means someone outside the company has tested it and says it’s a quality product.

Also, be sure to read the label before taking any supplements. The probiotics with the most research are of the Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus types. There’s still not enough known about the psychobiotic effects to make specific mood-boosting recommendations yet.



Try some of these delicious gut healthy recipes.

Confetti Vegetable Salad with Miso Dressing

Cauliflower Olive Salad with Yogurt

Strawberry Almond Chia Pudding




It may not seem obvious or intuitive, but your body is interconnected in a myriad of surprising ways.  New research is focusing on the “microbiota-gut-brain axis.” It’s the very complex connection between your gut, its microbes, and your brain. This new field has been called a “paradigm shift in neuroscience” (Dinan, 2017).

There are a number of ways we’re beginning to understand how our gut microbes affect our brain. One is via the “vagus” nerve, which is the nerve that directly connects your gut to your brain. 

Other ways are through “biochemical messengers” that are made in your gut and travel throughout the body to communicate with other organs, including your brain.  

Examples of biochemicals include short chain fatty acids, cytokines, and even tryptophan (the amino acid that the neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin are made from). 

You may have heard about seratonin as it is the main target in antidepressant medications to improve mood.  But 90% of our seratonin is produced in the gut.  Recent studies indicate taking anti-depressants can hurt the gut microbiome which only further compromises mood.  The focus needs to be on keeping our gut healthy; not simply treating the symptoms as a cure.

There’s a lot of research surrounding the microbioate-gut-brain axis that may one day prove helpful for  conditions like autism and Parkinsons.


Several studies show that stressed rodents not only have increased stress hormones and stressed behaviors; but, they also have different gut microbes! This has also been studied, to a small extent, in people too.

One study showed that moms with high levels of stress hormones during pregnancy had infants with more of the “bad” gut microbes.

But, can it work the other way around? Can changing our gut microbes affect our moods and stress responses?

Studies of rodents that grow up without any gut microbes at all (in a “bacteria-free” environment) respond to stress more than mice with normal gut microbes. Then, when they’re given either a probiotic or gut microbes from non-stressed mice, their stress responses often go back to normal.

“Gut microbiota and probiotics alter behavior and brain neurochemistry.” That’s a pretty powerful statement. (Ait-Belgnaoui, et. al., 2012)

Many animal studies show positive effects on behavior when they get probiotic supplements. For example, after a probiotic, stressed rats had lower levels of both stress hormones and an inflammatory molecule associated with depression (“LPS” – lipopolysaccharide). Human studies show that after a few weeks of taking probiotic foods or supplements, healthy people have reduced stress hormones, feelings of stress, negative thoughts, and sad moods.

One fascinating study showed that when people took probiotics, brain MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) tests showed reduced brain activity for negative and aggressive thoughts!

There is some exciting research on the positive effect that probiotics can have on moods and stress. So, what can you do to nurture your own healthy gut microbes?.


We’ve already discussed the benefits of consuming probiotic-rich food.  Once the gut microbes take up residence in our guts, we need to feed them!

PREbiotics are food for gut microbes and, when fermented in the gut, produce specific changes in bacterial composition or activity. 

They’re your friendly gut microbes’ favorite delicacies so they’ll happily grow, and multiply.

Prebiotics are basically foods that contain fiber. Things like fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Even dark chocolate (preferably with at least 70% cocoa).

Foods that are particularly high in prebiotics include jicama, asparagus, avocado, whole grains, and allium vegetables like onions, garlic, leeks, and shallots.

Giving animals prebiotics has shown to reduce stress hormones, and anxiety-related behaviors. In people, studies show that taking psychobiotics along with prebiotics can improve both the microbes in our gut, as well as our mood.

The new research clearly supports our interest and maintenance of a healthy gut.  Adding probiotic and prebiotic foods (or quality supplements) is a first step towards that goal.

Do remember, no two people have the same microbiome and your response is most important.  If you feel bloated, anxious or gassy after adding fiber, probiotics, and prebiotic foods to your diet, it may be a sign your gut health needs further attention.

If that’s the case, please contact your health coach or provider for more individualized guidance.  Our gut affects every aspect of our physical and emotional health.

What is Metabolic Health?

Understanding Your Metabolism Is A Key To Better Health

Even if you’re in the middle of a deep sleep, or quietly reading a book, your body is always active. It never quite “shuts off,” because it’s always storing and consuming energy (from the food you eat) – and building up and breaking down molecules necessary to maintain your health.

This always-on process is called metabolism, which literally means “a state of change.”

Your body relies on metabolism to carry out all its functions – whether it’s storing or burning fat, regulating sugar levels, or keeping your neurons firing – so metabolism has a huge impact on your health.

When your metabolism is working as it should, you’ll have much more energy throughout the day – you won’t feel so sluggish and fatigued. You’ll also find it easier to gain muscle mass and lose fat because your body will be sending the right hormone “signals” to your metabolic system. Even your mood will be brighter if your metabolism is well-balanced. On the flip side, scientists have discovered that metabolic disturbances are linked with major depressive disorder – a testament to the mighty effect metabolism can have on all aspects of your well-being.

Not surprisingly, then, your body tightly controls its metabolism. It does this through swarms of small-but-powerful signal molecules known as hormones – which travel throughout your body in different amounts. So by checking in on your hormone levels, you can get a good gauge of how healthy your metabolism is – and, ultimately, how healthy your whole body is. This is why understanding your metabolism is key to better health.

If it weren’t for metabolism, all the good nutrients you eat wouldn’t do your body any good. Metabolism is how your body turns the nutrients in a delicious casserole or a tasty smoothie into energy – and into the raw materials your body needs to build muscles and repair tissues and organs.

Since metabolism has such a powerful impact on your body, you may be wondering what affects your metabolism. What factors can cause shifts in your metabolic health?

Without a doubt, your diet is one of the most important things that can alter your metabolism.

Because many nutrients serve as the building blocks for the hormones that regulate metabolism, if you have a well-balanced diet – you’re getting the nutrients you need and in the right quantities – then your metabolism will most likely function properly. But say you’re eating lots of foods that are high in sugar. This excess sugar will disrupt your metabolism, and put you at risk of developing metabolic diseases.

Exercise, too, has a profound effect on your metabolic health. In fact, some research suggests that long-term physical training makes your metabolism work more efficiently – so you burn more calories even when you’re not being active.

Something else that affects your metabolism is your age: your metabolism “slows down” as you age, so your body accumulates fat more easily. Certain behaviors can also cause changes to your metabolism. For example, if you’re not getting enough sleep, then your metabolism will be negatively affected – which can contribute to weight gain.

You may recall that earlier we said that metabolism is controlled by signal molecules called hormones – and that you can gain insights into your metabolism and health by understanding your hormone levels. Hormones tell your metabolic system when to store or use energy – and when it should build or break down important nutrients. While your body produces many hormones, there are 3 hormones in particular that can give you incredible information about your health. These three hormones are the thyroid hormones, testosterone, and cortisol.


Nestled at the front of your windpipe is a gland called the thyroid. And although it’s small – only a few inches in length – it plays a big role in the body’s metabolism. This gland is responsible for secreting two important hormones: T3 and T4.

These two hormones travel through your bloodstream and regulate your metabolic system in many ways (for example, they let your cells know when to either break down fats or store more fats). Production of thyroid hormones is controlled by a tiny gland situated in your brain – the pituitary gland. This gland squirts out a hormone of its own – the aptly-named thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).

If you have elevated TSH levels in your blood it’s very possible that your thyroid isn’t making enough hormones. (Your pituitary gland releases more TSH to send a strong signal to your thyroid that it’s time to make more thyroid hormones. When your thyroid hormone levels are too low – which can be caused by diseases of the thyroid gland, for instance – then your body starts making more fat than necessary. You’ll start gaining weight, and you might also experience fatigue and hair loss.

What happens if your bloodstream is flooded with way too much thyroid hormones? As you may have guessed, in this case your body will start rapidly breaking down fat. A healthy body requires some fat, but if your thyroid hormone levels are too high, then your body will eliminate too much of its fat. The result? Weight loss – along with some other not-very-desirable effects, such as higher blood pressure and sleep problems.


Though many people think of testosterone as only a male hormone, it’s incredibly important for healthy metabolism in both men and women. Testosterone is crucial to well-balanced fat metabolism and muscle production. In fact, lower-than-normal levels of testosterone prompt your body to increase its fat mass.

On other hand, if a man has too much testosterone coursing through his body, then he may be more irritable and have a lower sperm count – among other negative consequences. Women with too much testosterone may gain more weight, have excess acne, and even male pattern baldness.

Testosterone also helps regulate sleep and mood, so for all these reasons (and more) it’s important that your testosterone levels are within a normal, healthy range.


Cortisol – dubbed the “stress hormone” – is released into your bloodstream when your body senses a threat or emergency. Cortisol causes your body to dump glucose (sugar molecules) into the bloodstream, providing you with the fuel you need to respond to the perceived threat. For example, if you’re out hiking and you suddenly encounter a fearsome predator – a bear, perhaps – then cortisol sparks a surge of glucose that gives you the energy to “fight or flight.”

But what if you’re always under stress? Maybe deadlines are always looming over your head, and the traffic congestion en route to the office doesn’t help matters. In situations like these – where you’re always stressed – cortisol will continue pumping you full of glucose. (Cortisol, after all, can’t distinguish the difference between a bear and an important deadline.)

Since your body won’t use all this excess glucose, it’ll turn the glucose into fat. Thus, chronic stress can lead to unhealthily high levels of cortisol – and result in weight gain.

Since your metabolism underpins so much of your health, it’s important to get a good understanding of how well your metabolism is functioning.

My upcoming Metabolic Reset will give you the support and plan to help reset your hormone balance and heal your metabolism.

Sign up here for your FREE 6-WEEK Metabolic Reset Hormone Balance Email Series.