Opening to Grace Retreat

Timber Creek Retreat House  December 6-8, 2024

Opening to Grace

It’s difficult to think about grace much less inhabit it in our fast-paced, distraction-filled world. But grace is a salve for our harried souls; it’s at the heart of living a full and compassionate life.

I was raised in the Baptist church where I was taught that grace was “the unmerited favor, kindness, and mercy of God.”  (Ephesians 2:8-9)

My translation: Despite humanity being a miserable mess, God grants us his undeserved love and redemption, anyway. Grace is salvation; our one path beyond sin, ignorance, and eternal damnation.

Shame is a heavy burden, especially for a child.  Shame preempted my life-long mission to overcome my innate unworthiness. I would do anything to be worthy of God’s (and the world’s) approval. 

As I’ve grown older,  I’ve come to understand that Grace is not something we have to earn but something that we are. Grace is humanity at its best.

Yet many of us have a difficult time opening to the Grace within which also interferes with our ability to share Grace with others. 

Nurturing Grace

This weekend retreat will give you the space and peace to examine your relationship with grace and all its manifestations. 

Grace is at the heart of other spiritual practices including presence, acceptance, forgiveness, freedom, and compassion.  It is at the intersection of faith and practice.

Grace is what allows us to travel those 16 inches between head and heart. 

Grace is grounding. Grace is centering.  Grace enables us to embody and offer our best selves. 

Accessing Grace

As energetic beings, we can more easily open up to grace when we are resonating at a higher, less dense frequency.  

Stress, reactivity, and poor lifestyle choices all contribute to heavy, stagnant energy. 

Slowing down, becoming more mindful, and taking better care of our bodies shift and lighten our energy so that we can beyond the veil to embody the grace within.

This retreat provides practices to help you create a personal path towards greater spiritual calm and clarity not only for the weekend but beyond. 

The first step is saying yes to creating more space for grace in your world!

What you will learn on this retreat:

  • Calming breathwork and rituals to clear dense energy, increase awareness, and connect in the present.

  • Practices for cleansing and supporting our chakras and endocrine system.

  • Explore the four levels of our physical brain and how they influence our potential for spiritual growth and connection.

  • How we can eat and move to support optimal brain function and bliss.

  • Simple daily practices and prayers to implement gratitude, forgiveness, and blessing to transform your life.

Discover your Happy Place.

Timber Creek Retreat House, located just one hour south of Kansas City offers guests a serene, luxurious, and caring environment designed to help you to rest, renew, and breakthrough! 

Book a private stay in one of the seven guest sumptuous guest suites or share the experience with your best friend.

The moment you walk into Timber Creek Retreat House, you’ll feel at home, enveloped by an atmosphere of calm, care, and support.

Indulge yourself in two days of having your every need cared for.  You’ll return home with a full heart, ready to meet the world.

All you have to do is say yes.

This retreat is for you if …

  • You want to step out of the momentum tunnel to live more intentionally and peacefully.
  • You’re ready to embrace simple and transformational rituals to support those intentions.
  • You’re curious about how to support your unique energy for positive growth and embodiment.
  • You know a weekend learning with other like-minded women will help revive and energize you.
Take this time to reflect on the past year and make space for new opportunities in the new year.
Make Time for Grace
We all know we need to take care of ourselves, but work, errands, and the laundry take precedence. We put ourselves last on the list despite that small but persistent fear that something’s missing.
It’s hard to create when you’re living in reaction.
Busyness is an addiction that robs us of our wholeness. It’s hard to be proactive when you’re stressed and overwhelmed. Pausing to reflect is a prerequisite to living with intention and self-direction.
If not now, when?
Take action. Clear the weekend of December 6-8, 2024 (Friday to Sunday) to join an intimate group at the incomparably beautiful and peaceful Timber Creek Retreat House.
Retreat Yourself
• Make time for healing.
• Make time for presence.
• Make time for grace.


I’d love to answer them for you! 

Text or call me at
913 963 8546!