How do you handle a shit storm?

We sit on a park bench on a beautiful fall day. I am crying as Herb strokes my shoulder. I feel like a failure. I’ve been careless with our marriage and caused damage. The grief sits between us, heavy and silent. I don’t know what to do except cry.

Herb taps my hand. “Hey,” he whispers, “check her out,” nodding toward an old woman half dancing, flailing about the trail.

She’s a tiny human meteor dressed in ancient blue culottes, an oversized, stained t-shirt, black socks, and pink clogs. She’s half-singing, half-yelling—something akin to an aria.

“That’s you,” Herb says, “when you stop giving a damn.”

I can’t help it. I laugh, not just because my husband is kind, but because it’s true.

Several years ago, after visiting a group of women in Washington state, I mailed each of them a short-sleeved t-shirt imprinted with “ZERO F$%ks GIVEN.” We’d decided to proudly give fewer f$%ks as we age and I wanted to celebrate that.

I never saw them again. A few months later, I ended my lifelong friendship with the woman who had introduced us. Her legendary misbehavior with men hit a little too close to home. When I found out, I most certainly gave a f$%k.

Inflection points help us remember what matters.

When Herb had a health scare in 2018, I decided it was time to sell my Pilates studio. My former manager bought it right before COVID, (poor dear), but we pulled together to make it through. I feel lucky to still work there. Imagine being able to teach a class, shut the door, and go home!

But without the distraction of running a business, I often feel anxious and unsettled.

Some days all I do is make soup. Others, I bring my coffee to bed and sink back into the pillows. I can babysit on short notice and go hours without checking my email. I’ve given up booze, edibles, and quit Facebook and Instagram, but the pile of packages in my closet is a testament to my latest addiction. I might have to start my own Poshmark store.

On the worst days, I feel like a human pinball, ricocheting about, desperate for a toehold to evade the dreaded gobble hole. Why?

What do I give a f$%k about these days? Medicare?

The Saturday before Thanksgiving, while grilling on the patio with friends, Herb’s leg goes numb. He asks me to fetch his hiking pole—he cannot walk. One of our guests, a doctor, gives Herb a once-over to rule out an aneurysm or stroke. Ignoring suggestions to go to the hospital, Herb insists we go on with the evening, and we have fun.

But the pain is worse the next day, and he can’t walk without the pole. He still can’t.

Timing is everything. And ours sucks.

We vow to go to the ER the next morning. I leave to teach a class to give Herb time to get ready. I call on my way, but he doesn’t answer. Alarmed, I find him in the bedroom, without his phone.

“My hip dislocated again,” he sighs.

“What? How?” I shrill.

“Tying my shoe.”

“I’ll call the ambulance.” We know the drll.

It’s impossible to see a doctor during the holidays unless you go to the emergency room. We go several times, searching for the source of his pain and a solution for his immobility. One doctor says it’s his hip, another his back—neither offers help other than pain meds, but he needs the pain meds.

Between constant pain and my hovering like Aunt Bea, Herb’s Christmas isn’t very merry.

Every time he sits on the commode or attempts laundry, I scream, “Don’t do that! Are you crazy? Don’t bend over! Your hip will pop out!”

He looks at me like he wants to hit me with his hiking pole. I know I’m smothering him but I can’t help it.

He misses his nice wife, but I miss mine, too. Herb took care of everything, and now I have to. I pout.

We watch a lot of television and wonder if this is our new life. When the hell did we get old?

I sulk, and ask the most useless question ever, “Why us, God? Why us?”

More accurately, I’m asking, “Why me, God? Why me?” feeling very sorry for myself. I’m pitiful, and this is bullshit.

My dad comes to me in a dream. He sits next to the bed, smiling and laughing. He is smiling and laughing at me. I know this smile.

“Knock it off,” he whispers. “You know better. So do better.”

I rouse to rebuff him, but he waves me off.

“Life is horrible, messy, and unpredictable,” he reminds me. “So what? Nobody gets out of this alive. Look at what makes your life worth living—who makes your life worth living, and be happy about it.”

Dammit. He’s always right.

I go back to sleep and wake up with a renewed sense of appreciation. Hot dog! I can see past my nose again! Rather than dwelling on the chaos, I choose to be grateful for our family—the ones who show up when we need them, to shovel our drive, carry in wood, and provide a much-needed distraction.

I think of the co-workers who step in to cover my classes at the last minute and the friends who bring flowers, groceries, treats, and home-cooked meals.

I’m grateful for the phone calls, thoughtful texts, well-wishes, and prayers that have been offered for Herb and me. It reminds me that it’s not all about me, and I feel blessed to have such incredible support.

We leave this week for the Mayo Clinic, where Herb will have spine surgery. We’re excited but realistic about what’s ahead.

I’m sorry for being difficult, Herb. Thank you for loving me and making me laugh, even when your back and butt hurt.

Thank you, God, for skilled surgeons and a well-timed oxycodone.

Thank you for reminding me that I always have a choice in how I respond, no matter how crazy, unhinged, or incomprehensible the world may seem.

It’s easy to slip into self-pity, judgment, and cynicism when I feel triggered and overwhelmed. At those times, it makes me want to don some culottes, put on pink clogs, and run people over at the park.

Zero f$%ks given is not a zero-sum game. The losses are devastating and real. We’re seeing that now.

The question is: what can we do? What are we doing?

I can hear my dad’s voice: “Love one another. Treat others as you would have them treat you.”

The Golden Rule is so simple, yet so powerful.

Don’t give up. Give a f$%k about one another, and watch the world change.

What are you doing to stay grounded in difficult times? I think I need to know.

2024 Reset Retreat

carrying around some holiday "leftovers?"

If you’re struggling with post-holiday fatigue, weight gain, belly fat, and bothersome sugar cravings, maybe it’s time to reset your metabolic engine!

Join me, Tina Sprinkle, Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, for the 2024 Reset Retreat which kick-offs on Saturday, January 13, 2024.

Show your body the respect it deserves, and be rewarded with greater focus, stability, and metabolic health.

Because it’s not about willpower- it’s about biochemistry, education, and community!

When our body is inflamed from too much sugar, alcohol, and stress, we experience belly fat, fatigue, brain fog, mood swings, and memory loss.

Hunger, cravings, and emotional eating are all connected to a metabolic imbalance that can be reversed… so you can experience emotional stability and freedom from food triggers and addiction.

Switching to an anti-inflammatory diet will help you reduce belly fat without feeling deprived or living on bacon grease.

It can also improve your blood chemistry and energy levels by balancing the queen of all hormones, insulin.

Learn how to eat to balance your blood sugar and reduce inflammation to release bloat, joint tenderness, fatigue, and more. 

This program offers both Paleo based and plant-based options.

Research shows that stress, the body’s response to feeling challenged or threatened can wear on the body if left unchecked.

Stress releases adrenalin, cortisol, and other hormones which are meant to help us in acute situations. 

But when that stress becomes chronic, it can induce or worsen medical conditions, including obesity, depression, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer.

In addition to learning how diet affects inflammation, you’ll learn simple practices to help reduce and manage your stress.

As we age our bodies need different kinds of exercise to maximize the benefits.

High-intensity workouts, resistance training, and cardio sessions are all important components of a healthy, strong, body.

But there’s a type of training that we often overlook.

Within your body lies a little-known yet hugely important key to greater strength, flexibility, and total health: your fascia. Fascia is the miraculous connective tissue that’s woven around your muscles, skin, organs, and bones, holding your entire body together.

Learn movements to build foundational strength, develop a greater range of movement, and hydrate your entire body from the inside out.

The Reset Retreat includes:

  • Anti-inflammatory Foods Guide
  • Simple, Accessible Sample Meal Plan
  • Delicious Paleo & Plant based Recipes
  • Breathing and journaling techniques to help you reduce and manage your daily stress
  • 90-minute Fascial Freedom Workshop with Tina, your Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, and Program Leader
  • Daily inspiration and resources via opt-in texts
  • Discounts on optional program support supplements via Fullscript.

The Reset Retreat is just *$99

*T School Alumni save 20% at checkout by using code ALUMNI


I’m here to answer them! Drop me a line via email today! 

Thanks, everyone! 
Let’s do this!

Why the world needs Janet Mort

My friend Janet is a badass.

She’s also passionate, fiery, and completely committed to helping change the world, one child at a time.

Retiring after a 35-year career as a teacher, principal, and superintendent of schools on Vancouver Island, Janet went back to school to earn her PhD in Early Literacy.  

Janet and her husband Michael at their home in Victoria, B.C.

Understanding the very real, very high cost of illiteracy, Janet was determined to address the unmet needs of struggling students learning to read.

I met Janet last March while hosting a retreat in Mexico.  She wasn’t a participant, but she looked interesting so I went over to introduce myself to her and her husband, Michael.

I’m glad I trusted my intuition because Janet and I were supposed to meet. 

We didn’t understand why then, but we do now. The universe provides, even when your shrimp cocktail is getting soggy.  (If you haven’t read my prior blog about Janet and our synchronicity, please do it now).

JANET is a problem solver.

Play Video

One of the things I love about Janet is her ability to get things done. 

When her husbands physician retired and they were unable to find consistent care through her health plan, Janet rallied as Michael’s advocate.

She ran an ad in her local paper, the Victoria Times Colonist, seeking a new doctor for Michael.

The response was overwhelming; not only did Janet find a doctor (over twenty responded to her plea), she succeeded in bringing national attention to a problem many others were facing in her home province,  British Columbia, Canada.

Nearly one million British Columbians were also without a family physician, according to BC Family Doctors.

Janet and Michael were interviewed for television and national news programs. 

(Press play on the graphic above for the whole story.)

Her willingness to take their private battle public reflects the same stubborn tenacity Janet brings to her professional pursuits.

After earning her PhD, Janet founded  Joyful Literacy, an evidence based program that helps children who are most vulnerable learn to read.


Janet returned to school because she wanted to know why over 35% of struggling children do not succeed in school.

Within seven years she had completed her analysis of the most compelling literacy research, designed the Joyful Literacy Framework, and implemented it in over a hundred primary pilot classrooms where data was collected by external examiners for the first four years of Joyful Literacy implementation.

The results exceeded expectations.

  • In Kindergarten, success rates rose from 40% to 80% over three years when the standard program changed to the Joyful Literacy Framework.
  • In Grade One, success rates rose from 54% to 89% over three years when the standard program changed to the Joyful Literacy Framework.
  • In Grade Two, success rates rose from 26% to 92% over three years when the standard program changed to the Joyful Literacy Framework.

Eight other superintendents chose to participate in the pilot out of frustration that only 49.8% of their grade four students were achieving grade-level expectations.

The Joyful Literacy Framework was implemented with students entering Kindergarten in 2013.

Implementation was continued through to the year they entered grade four where, after five years of the Joyful Literacy Framework, the students’ success rate had risen to 85%.

Source: Fountas and Pennel Data

the high cost of illiteracy.

This is why Janet is on a mission to transform early childhood literacy in Canada, the United States, and the world!

  • 67% of students are not proficient in reading by the end of 3rd grade.

  • Students who are not proficient by the end of 4th grade are 66% more likely to wind up on welfare or in prison.

  • Students who don’t read proficiently by the 3rd grade are 4 times likelier to drop out of school.
  • Students who are retained to repeat a grade will cost a District an average of $10,000 each.
  • The US illiteracy rate hasn’t changed in over 10 years.
  • 85% of all juveniles who interface with the juvenile court system are functionally illiterate.

Source: National Assessment of Adult Literacy (NAAL)

And it all starts with the quality
of our early childhood education.

janet has a plan.

Building on seven years of research and data collection, Janet created a literacy program she named Joyful Literacy.

This school-based program combines a clever use of technology with an evidence-based literacy approach that enables teachers to assess their students, track progress, and boost literacy success.

Using her proven Circle Chart methodology to assess, teach, and track all eight literacy foundation skills, this framework is broadly applicable. 

Janet’s goal is for the Joyful Literacy program to be used internationally in Kindergarten to Grade 3 classrooms across the world, a goal that will be met by offering in other languages.

In addition to this robust curriculum, Janet has written several books that weave together the essential assessment, teaching, and tracking components of Joyful Literacy with practical and effective classroom strategies for optimal teacher- student learning activities.

And because Janet understands that reading begins before school, her books also help parents who want to support and foster their child’s reading skills at home.

Along with her associate, Chelsea  Mytko, Janet provides online help for parents via their Born to Read YouTube channel. 

All videos include free and accessible lessons for parents to teach their child to read at home from the womb to kindergarten.

This winning combination is further supported by the Joyful Literacy Teachers App, which Janet created to help teachers easily track and support students who need extra help and attention in their classrooms.

Teachers! Click here to access a free trial!

Joyful literacy in the u.s.

When Janet told me about her plans to expand Joyful Literacy in the United States, I immediately asked, “How can I help?”

Since returning from Mexico I have met with Janet and Chelsea to learn more about how the program and app work within the classroom for proven results. 

They’ve also been busy meeting with other developers, marketers, and educators to help expand the Joyful Literacy program to the U.S. and beyond. And it’s working. They’re developing an expansive plan to introduce the system and app to educators across the country.

According to the  National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), low levels of literacy cost the U.S. up to 2.2 trillion per year. In fact…

  • 79% of U.S. adults nationwide are literate
  • 54% of adults have literacy skills below a 6th-grade level and 
  • 20%  below a 5th-grade level.

But the real cost for illiterate people is far greater. 

Imagine being unable to get a job, provide for your children, decipher street signs or the label on your prescription bottle because you can’t read.  This is a huge disadvantage and one that we can correct with Joyful Literacy.

You can help spread the word by sharing this post with your neighbors, teachers, and local educators.  There’s nothing to lose and everything to gain!

I want to see Janet’s story on 60 Minutes and CBS Sunday morning.  Can you help me network?  Send me your resources and contacts!

We can change the world- one reader at a time because we now know how.

Dr. Janet Mort has been a featured keynote speaker at 28 summits in B.C., Alberta, and Washington state, as well as being chosen to represent British Columbia as a literary expert at the World Congress of Education in Melbourne, Australia.

She was awarded Canada’s Queen’s Jubilee Medal 2005 for her service to children and leadership in educational change and was recognized by The Order of British Columbia in 2020.

The Order represents the highest form of recognition the Province can extend to its citizens.

But to me, Janet is just my inspirational friend, a woman on a mission to change the world for good.

If you’d like more information on Joyful Literacy, please reply to me or reach out to Janet via email.

Because everyone deserves the opportunity to learn to read and live a full life.

Janet and Healing in Mexico

I noticed Janet and Micheal immediately as they walked into the restaurant in Troncones Beach, Mexico. 

I was hosting a retreat, they were on vacation, returning to a favorite spot for dinner. I thought they looked like an interesting couple so I walked up to their table and introduced myself.

“Hi, I’m Tina. You two look like a fun couple and I wanted to get to meet you.”

A bit taken back, they graciously offered their names.”Hi Tina, I’m Janet and this is my husband, Michael.” 

I learned they were from Canada and had been coming to Troncones for the past seven years. 

The restaurant at Present Moment Retreat Center was one of the best in the area and their personal favorite. 


I told them about my retreat and how much I was enjoying this area of Mexico. I returned to my table to tell Herb how cute I thought they were.

A few minutes later I traipsed back over and asked to take their picture. They were just so interesting looking…

They acquiesced and I took a beautiful picture of the two of them at their favorite table.

Later, Janet would describe it a little differently, “This woman comes walking up to introduce herself and of course Michael is hard of hearing, so after you left he just said, ‘What was that all about?’ 

Then you come back and ask to take our picture! It was so random, and if you look at the picture, you can see our food sitting there in the background!”

(I’d interrupted their dinner of course.)


Michael, who wore a stylish straw hat and large black glasses, possessed a benevolent face that looked mildly, chronically amused. He was thin and a bit frail.

Janet, who also wore glasses, was striking in her resort wear and matching headband. I learned they were retired, educators who had first met at a conference.

Janet, who was coming out of an abusive relationship, sensed Michael’s kindness and thought he was the kind of man she’d wanted all along.  He felt the connection, too, and asked her out.  They were married for fifty-five years. 

I learned later that Michael had not been feeling well. 

“When I told Michael I was concerned about his traveling to Mexico in his condition,” Janet explained, ” he said, ‘Well I can die in Mexico as easily as at home,’ and so we came.”

I took Janet’s email address and promised to send the pictures. Janet later told me she used those pictures at Michael’s funeral.  He passed away last Summer.

When Herb and I arrived in Troncones last Saturday, sitting at the very spot where we met them,  we were thinking of Janet and Michael.

I sent Janet a text of the view, saying we were thinking of her. I received a text back, thanking me and saying she was in Troncones herself.

The cell service in this area is spotty at best and I didn’t get the message until Herb and I went down for lunch on Sunday.

Just as I was showing Herb the text, Janet walked into the restaurant.

I saw her and immediately shrieked, ”JANET!”

Her face was confused and then amazed as I walked over to her to give her a big hug! 

It was a wonderful chance reunion of friends who barely know one another but feel close nonetheless. In this instance, it was nothing short of a miracle because the timing was just right, good medicine. 

We laughed at our text exchange- she not connecting the dots to know we were here, and our just discovering her reply as she walked in. I immediately asked her to join us for lunch.

“I just came here, to our favorite place, to have lunch alone,” Janet said, “to feel what that feels like.”

I replied, “Well you still can, if you want to,” not wanting to intrude on her time alone.

“Oh no! I’d love to!” she replied. 

We sat down to lunch, amazed at the synchronicity of our reunion. It felt like it was meant to be because it was. 

And for the rest of the week the three of us and Ron White , our traveling companion, were inseparable. 

We got to know each other around the pool, margaritas and molcajete, martinis and sunsets, and one memorable evening at our favorite restaurant, Tentaciones. 

Perched high above Playa Ropa, we shared the sunset, a lovely meal, and a magnificent celebration of new friendships and old souls.

“I want to make a toast to you three. And I want to do it now before I get too teary-eyed,” said Janet.

 Being with you this week has been a miracle because it’s helped me realize that I can have fun again, that I can live again. 

I know now I have a whole new chapter in front of me because I am having fun and enjoying life again. 

This week has been a miracle; a rebirth, and I just can’t thank you enough.”

Touched by her words we were all teary-eyed. 

“I’m just so glad I was that rude woman who interrupted your dinner last March,” I said.  

“There had to be a reason I was so insistent on meeting you and Micheal and now we know why. Because of this! It truly is a miracle- it was meant to be!” 

And we raise our glasses to toast to our good luck.

Ron said later that our foursome felt so easy that Janet never felt like a new friend, but someone he’d known all his life.

On our last night together we all hugged and promised to meet again in April in Victoria, BC where Janet lives. We can’t wait to meet her dog Chipotle as well as her human friends and family.

The next day I received a text from Janet. 
“So magical. We belong together.” 

I replied, “And we are together- no matter the physical distance.”

To borrow (generously) from a song by Barbra Streisand,

“There are moments you remember all your life.
There are moments you wait for and dream of all your life.
This is one of those moments …”

There is much I have not told you about Janet, about her life’s work and her passion to help the most vulnerable.

She has developed a revolutionary program that is successfully doing so in Canada and I am committed to helping her expand that help to the United States.

In a phone call to one of her best friends and co-workers back home in Canada, Janet repeated something I’d said to her upon learning of her life’s work.

“She said that I was a ‘BADASS.’ I’m not sure, but I think this is a U.S. term for a  compliment.”

It was and it is.

I can’t wait to share more about Janet and her mission with you because she has also given me a new lease on life. It’s not every day you meet a woman in such possession of her vision, path, and her process to change the world.

She is my mentor and my muse- an example of growing older agelessly, committed to improving and transforming the lives of others in the most real and tangible way.

But that is for the next blog. I can’t wait for you to read it. 

Stay tuned, because this is BIG! 

Honoring our Teachers

There’s a big holiday coming up next week, and it’s not just the fourth of July.

July 3rd, the day we will  celebrate Independence Day is also a day of celebration called Guru Purnima.

So what is Guru Purnima? 


In Hindu culture, Guru Purnima is a day to honor our teachers, past and present, for all they have contributed to our lives. 

It is a day to remember and give thanks.


I learned about Guru Purnima from my hot yoga teacher Ricky. 

His casual reference stuck with me because I’ve been blessed with so many wonderful teachers in my life.

Teachers like Ricky who’s helping me open my hips, regain my balance, and surrender my pride.


With reverence and gratitude, I write this blog to offer thanks to all the amazing teachers and mentors I’ve encountered through the years. This list is not complete, but it is a start..

Hale Cook Elementary School
  • Stella Jacobi My fourth-grade teacher at Hale Cook Elementary changed my life when she encouraged me to explore the limitless world of books and reading.  The stories she read to us each day ignited a deep respect and hunger for the written word.

  • Loraine Sheehan Gordon

The high school English teacher who drove me to tears when she gave me a big fat D on my Caesar Chavez term paper.

Loraine didn’t suffer fools or accept less than your best.  She pushed me to take myself and writing seriously. We also share an awkward story when I ran away from home, but that’s another blog.

  • Elaine Fischer The fitness director at Hilltop Racquet Club who managed to keep a straight face when I auditioned with a dance to “Ride Like the Wind” by Christopher Cross. Instead of laughing, this diminutive ball of fire asked me to take her class the next Sunday, handing me my ass along with a job offer. Thank you, Elaine, for taking a chance on me. This was the beginning.
  • Phil Freeland– Phil, my boss for the twelve years I worked at Woodside Tennis and Health Club was the shadow teacher of all shadow teachers. His brutality and toxic management style forced me to confront my fear, self-worth, and integrity.  The best gift he ever gave me was firing me. The next best gift was my therapist.
  • Shelley Stelmach– I started seeing  Shelley during my years at Woodside. She helped me stop agreeing to bad bosses, toxic boyfriends, and rampant self-sabotage. She put me back in my body and resuscitated my hope. The courage we mined together allowed me to leave an abusive boss and start over in business.
  • Rosita Arvigo–  My spiritual teacher in Belize, Rosita reminded me that faith is not a feeling but a practice.

    She taught me the power of plants, prayer, and ritual in spiritual healing, as well as the joy of community and celebration. 

    Thank you, Dr. Rosita, and your teacher Don Elijio Panti for showing us the immense healing power of plant medicine.


  • Sabin Bailey Sabin is an amazing mystic, numerologist, and reader who guided me to Rosita and that life-changing experience in Belize.

    She’s been a constant source of revelation and a trusted counselor for many years.

    If you’d like Sabin’s contact information, I’ll be happy to connect you.


  • Scott Schwenk – I’ve never actually met Scott in person but his impact on my life has been huge. I found him through an online search for breathwork and meditation programs. He is authentic, gentle, and kind, easing the way for expanded consciousness.

    Scott’s like the best friend, brother, and childhood pal you’ve never met but feel you know. 

    You can learn more about Scott, via his website:

  • Ehret Oscar Ramey – My father was my first teacher and the greatest single influence in my life. How lucky I was to get him as my Dad.

    Thank you for seeing me, loving me, and believing in me. The lessons you shared are still teaching me today.

    I love you and I miss you. 

Who are the teachers that have touched your life?

Who would you like to honor for Guru Purnima? You don’t even have to wait until July 3rd! 

Post below or shoot me a private message!  I’d love to hear! 

With love, Tina

What your hormones are trying to tell you?

Your hormone’s powerful impact

Despite what you may have been told, and the pervasive amount of food- and fat-shaming in our culture, the number on the scale isn’t always a simple reflection of the number of calories we consume vs. the number we burn. 

In fact, the added stress brought on by extreme diets and exercise can undermine them entirely—and actually cause weight gain. Often the real key to losing what may be unwanted belly fat, and gaining energy, clarity, and a better mood lies with your hormones.Weight loss resistance is nearly always hormonally based in women.

Most diets don’t work for women, because they fail to address the hormonal root causes that are the most common reasons for weight loss resistance, like excess cortisol, insulin and/or leptin blockage, estrogen dominance, a sluggish thyroid, low testosterone, and problems with the adrenal system.

Learning more about your hormones and how to eat and move to support balance will help you get off the diet roller coaster, reclaim your vitality, energy, and sex-drive, as well as stablize moods and reduce anxiety.


Do you suffer from any of the symptoms above?

You’re not alone if you do. Nearly 70% of us will experience symptoms of hormone imbalance in our lifetimes.  The main culprits of haywire hormones include:

Nutrient deficiencies. For instance, not enough vitamin C can lower your progesterone. Progesterone is nature’s Xanax, so a deficiency makes you feel overwhelmed and anxious. We’ll discuss simple ways to supplement in the Metabolic Reset program. 

Excess toxins. Bisphenol A is a good example: It can interfere with the estrogen, insulin, thyroid, and testosterone messages in your body. (Look for more about toxins in a future email.) 

Poor stress coping. I put myself in this category. Again, the root cause is that the alarm system in the body doesn’t turn off, so you make too much cortisol at the expense of other hormones. 

Age. Women’s hormone levels change throughout their reproductive years and through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond. Common life events, such as menstruation and pregnancy, can throw your hormones off balance, as can medications like birth control pills. 

Poor sleep. Only 3 percent of the population does well on less than 7 hours of sleep. Sleeping 7 to 8.5 hours every night keeps cortisol in check. Alcohol raises estrogen and cortisol levels, robs you of deep sleep, and lowers metabolism by more than 70 percent, as mentioned previously.  

Exercise. While exercise is an essential part of balancing your hormones, it can also throw them further out of whack if not managed properly. Overtraining can stress the body to create or undermine hormone imbalance. Running actually places so much stress on the body that cortisol shoots sky-high. Think of a Tibetan monk versus a marathon runner. Who ages more rapidly? The runner, due to a higher load of cortisol, a wear-and-tear hormone.  More on cortisol next. 

The fab four

Our hormones are complex and interconnected affecting literally every function in our bodies.

For the purpose of the Metabolic Reset, we’re focusing on four main hormones, (your Fab Four): Thyroid, Estrogen, Cortisol, and Insulin

Your thyroid acts as the gas pedal of your metabolism, managing how fast or slow you burn calories. The wrong food choices can prevent your thyroid from getting the nutrients it needs to work well – slowing down your metabolism and putting you into sluggish, fat-storing mode.

When the thyroid is sluggish, it can cause weight gain, fluid retention, hair loss or thinning, depression, and constipation, among other problems.Women are more likely to have an underactive thyroid. In fact, 1 in 8 women will develop hypothyroidism. The disease gets more common with age. People over 60 years old experience it more frequently.  

Cortisol is the main stress hormone secreted by our adrenal glands. An alpha hormone, cortisol helps regulate blood sugar, blood pressure, and immune function.When your stress is high, it makes your cortisol rise. When it is consistently high (due to daily challenges, poor diet, or lack of sleep), it affects other hormones like your thyroid and insulin leading to dysfunction and weight gain.

Too much cortisol can slow your thyroid down and overstimulate insulin production resulting in low energy, increased fat storage, brain fog. and low mood.Stress and cortisol are inextricably linked so a major part of hormone balance is finding ways to increase your stress resilience.

Estrogen is a group of hormones produced in the ovaries that makes you female. It’s what makes you menstruate, grow breasts and hips.Estrogen keeps you flush with serotonin, the feel-good neurotransmitter so your moods are better.  Estrogen also keeps your joints lubricated, your sleep and appetite balanced, your sex drive high, and your face relatively wrinkle-free.  

Estrogen dominance is when you have too much estrogen compared with its counter-hormone, progesterone. Having too much estrogen in the body causes a number of symptoms, including weight loss resistance, moodiness, PMS, and heavy periods. 

Insulin plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels and converting food energy into fat. It also helps break down fats and proteins.During digestion, insulin stimulates muscle, fat, and liver cells to absorb glucose. The cells either use this glucose for energy or convert it into fat for long-term storage.

Too much sugar can result in too much insulin which leads to insulin resistance.Insulin resistance or block means your cells can’t absorb the extra blood glucose your body generates from the food you eat—when that happens, your liver converts the glucose into fat. Insulin resistance usually causes weight gain and sugar addiction. If you are insulin resistant or have that tendency your cravings will be worse.

Lifestyle and hormones

Lifestyle influences your hormones. Diet, movement, environmental toxins and mindset all impact our hormone, immune, and metabolic function.

Once you understand these factors, you can start to see how your daily choices are affecting your hormones and metabolism, and what you can do about it.So the first of these influences is your DIET.

Food either feeds your hormones or disrupts them. Unfortunately, our standard western diets tend to be nutrient-poor, and our busy lifestyles tend to send us to convenience and processed foods.

When you start experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance (fatigue, weight gain, mood swings, brain fog, etc), it also makes us crave a fast fix in the form of carbs, sugar, bad fats, which only end up making our symptoms worse.

The Metabolic Reset program is where you’ll learn how food meets physiology to heal your body. Say goodbye to mood swings, night sweats, sugar cravings, and premature wrinkles. Say hello to satisfying sleep, stress resilience, and lasting energy throughout the day.

Take the quiz

Take this hormone quiz to see which hormones might be out of whack in your body.

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